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“How did you come up with that idea?”

That’s a question we’ve heard often in the few months since we decided to undertake this trip.

The short answer, for me, is that I’m done living a today that looks just like yesterday, no matter how good and easy and comfortable it might be.  I’ve been so focused on my “run-cook-mother-sleep-repeat” routine that I hardly realized my life was becoming an increasingly habitual series of days.  But we’re meant to live with intention!  So we’re waking up and choosing what’s next, even if we aren’t sure where that will take us.

Of course there are sources of inspiration for life-changing decisions.  Some of mine- that I highly recommend! – have been “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight, “Chase the Lion” by Mark Batterson, “Find Your Calling,” by Veronica and Dale Partridge, The Minimalists, The Bend Joy Project, and Leon Logothetis’ “The Kindness Diaries.”

I’d love to know what inspires and motivates you in your own life!  And if you haven’t had any inspiration for awhile, borrow some of mine!  If you have children, I especially recommend watching “The Kindness Diaries” with them.

“Brave” and “Crazy” are common reactions from people who hear about us spending a year in an RV with a family of six.  But, by far, the reaction we’ve had most often is, “I’ve always wanted to do something like that!”

So what’s stopping you?